(Please see my Technology & Philanthropy page for Silicon Valley Tech history resources.)
Aircraft and Military:
- Moffett Field History Museum
- The Wings of History Museum in San Martin has a collection of online articles, antique aircraft, books, and engines, plus a repair shop for wooden propellers.
USS Macon & Crew, Moffett Field
- Members of the Victorian Preservation Association of Santa Clara Valley share an interest in turn-of-the-century homes, including all forms of vintage architecture. They also have links to House Museums in California, some of which are here in the Bay Area.
- The National Park Service offers a listing of historic buildings in Santa Clara County, which link to more information about local history, lore, and visiting hours.
- San Jose Brick Company (Not verified)
- Joshua Hendy Iron Works, Images #1, Images #2, Images #3, & Images #4, City of Sunnyvale Library
- Hendy Iron Works, Images, Santa Clara University
Lumber Mills:
- Bill Gilmore and Sunnyvale Lumber, Images, City of Sunnyvale Library
- Forbes Mill, The National Park Service on the early history of Santa Clara Valley
- The National Park Service on the early history of Santa Clara Valley
- The National Park Service on the early history of Santa Clara Valley
- The New Almaden Mines, Cinnabar and Mercury production
- James Lick and Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton
- Lick Observatory Archives, U.C. Santa Cruz
- Photo collection, Lick Observatory, Library of Congress
- The "HamCam," a 360-degree view from the top of Mt. Tam (not historical, but fun!)
---Catherine Alexander Bright, SiliconValleyLibrarian.org